wish you happy

抢先获得的新闻 利润 scoop
过程 in the process of
百战百胜 defeat it by a hundred games to zero
试一试 take the chance
出访 go out on a story

on加名词与come go 等动词连用 表目的

屈服于压力 submit to the pressure
学习了十课 cover ten lessons
支付费用 cover ones costs
不屑一顾 turn ones nose up at
洗耳恭听 be ear
听不进去 turn a deaf ear to
这个行业的诀窍 a trick of the trade
完全误解 弄错 get the wrong end of the stick
抢头条 score a scoop
头等舱 top-flight
编程 write computer program
双重认证 two-factor authentication
大写 uppercase
小写 lowercase
手机支付 moblie payment
一流的 first-class
无比优秀的 out of this world
东半球 the Old World
西半球 the New World
永远 world without end
世界强国 worldpower
一……就  no sooner …than   hardly…when 
                the instant (that)    on+动名词
做坏事的人 wrong-doer
流泪 shed tears
瞬间 in a flash
主要因素 chief factor
冠军 title
当选 be elected
捉拿归案 bring sb to justice
致命弱点 Achilles' heal
渴求 be hungry for    the hunger of
共同主持 co-presented
停职 quit ones post
歧视 discrimination against
脱颖而出 set sb above the rest


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